Old Bancroftians’ Association


Welcome to the Old Bancroftians’ website which is intended to help the Association meet its main objective of enabling former pupils and staff of Bancroft’s School to keep in touch with each other and the School.


Australia Day 26th Jan 2025

Many OB’s have moved to Australia including Timothy Embleton-Smith OB (1954-60)

Celebrating Australia Day

Tim has enjoyed living in Western Australia since the mid 1960’s after a short time in South Africa. This part of Australia has a Mediterranean climate (and for those non geographers among us Western Australia is the size of Europe). Tim left Bancroft’s in 1960 for a career in Insurance in the city with London Assurance (AD1720). He then emigrated to South Africa by sea in 1966 and worked as a  broker in Port Elizabeth Province. Seeing the problems arising with the apartheid era he obtained assisted passage as a £10 Pom to Fremantle in Western Australia and raised a family with his wife Valerie. He has a family of two Aussie sons and enjoys life in Perth having retired from general insurance in 2008. He has kept in touch with others from his school days from East House and hopes that this short note is of interest to his fellow Bancroftians.

Latest news (click here for all news)






Bancroft’s communication update

We are excited to announce a change in our platforms. We have set up a LinkedIn page to join together all of the Bancroft’s Community, including our alumni. If you use Linkedin, please join us on LinkedIn here. If you are an OB, ensure you add Bancroft’s School under the education section of your profile which will automatically add you to the alumni area of the Linkedin page. We’ll be able to communicate through LinkedIn both on the page itself and in messaging. As well as LinkedIn you are on our Bancroft’s Community database and will continue to receive news, updates and events from us regularly via email.

Please note Bancroft’s Connect will close on 1st March 2024 and all access and information removed.


Past Presidents’ Dinner April 2024 

14 Past Presidents and guests met at Tutton’s in Covent Garden for the 69th annual Past President’s dinner.  President elect, Rob Hitching, CCF Contingent Commander was in attendance so there were lively reminisces about times spent in the CCF. A most convivial evening.

Old Bancroftians’ Day 25th June 2023

We welcomed back c200 OBs and their families from all over the UK and overseas including Dubai, Hong Kong, Canada and USA to a fine summers day at Bancroft’s!  Reunions were held for the 40, 50, 60, 65, 70 and 75 years on who joined other OBs for Founders Fizz in the Quad. There was a moving a plaque dedication to our former Head Mary Ireland by former Deputy Head Marwan Mikdadi and we also remembered OB Grace O’Malley-Kumar who tragically lost her life in Nottingham a few weeks earlier.  Guests were treated to a hot lunch in the Dining Hall concluding with speeches from OBA President Gemma Wicks and Bancroft’s Head Simon Marshall.  Throughout the afternoon the L6 pupils gave guided tours of the school, crazy golf and giant games, children’s entertainer, swimming, afternoon teas in the Quad and beverages at the bar watching the cricket and netball school vs OBs. The OBs won the netball and the school the cricket..

With thanks to all all involved to make this such a successful day including maintenance, groundsman and catering.



5/10/15 years on reunion 2023

Thursday 25th May more than 100 leavers of 2008, 2013 and 2018 returned to Bancroft’s and met in the Quad for their OBA reunion and to catch up with their former teachers.

OBA President  Gemma Wicks and Bancroft’s Head Simon Marshall shared news on the Association and the school.  


Past Presidents’ Dinner 2023

OBA President Gemma Wicks welcomed 15 Past Presidents and guests to the Travellers Friend in Woodford Green for the 68th annual Past Presidents’ Dinner on Friday 28th April. Guests were Bob Baker Rob Hitchin and Mike Stout.

OBA Wine Tasting 24th November 2022

A fabulous OBA wine tasting event at 8 Rocks Wine and Deli in Loughton.  Thank you to all those that came along and supported this event. Such a fun evening with six fabulous tastings and delicious antipasti.


OBA 115th Annual Dinner October 2022 

Thank you to everyone that came along to support the dinner at Bancroft’s and the first official event for our new OBA President Gemma Wicks. It was a fun evening for all and the Heads and Tails raised over £750 which has been directed to the Bancroft’s Foundation that supports assisted places at the school.

Thank you to everyone that came along for Old Bancroftians’ Day 2022

It was a brilliant sunny day to start the OBA Presidents fun run and lunch was fantastic as were the amazing afternoon teas in the marquee.  It was great to welcome so many of you and your families back including the 50,60,70 years on and the 56ers.  A big thank you to the OBs who had travelled from Malaysia, Canada and the USA to support this event.  We were also overjoyed that Harry (90) and Clifford (91) came along and met up again after many years!  The OBs beat the school at cricket and netball.  The crazy golf, giant games and Infinity the children’s’ entertainer Infinity were well received as was the bar!


On Thursday 19th May the leavers of 2007, 2012 and 2017 returned to Bancroft’s for their OBA reunion and to catch up with their former teachers. OBA President Steve Dodd and Bancroft’s Head Simon Marshall shared news on the Association and the school.  Huge thanks to our excellent catering and maintenance team. We look forward to seeing you all at Bancroft’s or another OBA event again very soon..

After two missed years it was great for Steve Dodd OBA President to welcome 15 Past Presidents to the Warner Room for the 67th annual Past Presidents’ Dinner on Friday 22nd April. Guests were Debbie Picton Senior Deputy Head, OB Gemma Wicks President Elect and Susan Day OBA Administrator. 



Here are some pictures from previous OBs’ Day including reunion groups like 40, 50, 60 70 years on plus netball, cricket, lunch, socialising and of course afternoon tea.