Robert (Bob) Nursaw (OB 1946-1953)
It is with great sadness that I inform you that Bob sadly died after a short illness on 14th September 2019.
He followed his cousin Jim ( 1942 to 1950 ) and was at school from 1946 to 1953, became a chartered accountant in the City, retiring early in 1993. He played cricket for the OBs and was for some years Treasurer of the Bancroft’s Boys Club in the East End.
In 1994 he moved from Chingford to Bakewell on marriage to Alice whom he had met in Jersey the previous year. Sadly, she died from cancer in 2004 but Bob had by then become an active member of the local community and this helped to sustain him during the next 15 years. Suffice to say he loved the Peak District.
He attended OBs’ Day when he could and I am pretty sure he was at the 60th reunion. He kept in touch with year mates Rodney Mann and Keith Utting who regarded him as having been their best friend.
David Nursaw OB (1955 to 1963)